Just like the image shown to the right, There are a few tips that can make your life a little easier when your renting a storage unit and moving in.
Searching for a storage Facility: When your searching for a storage facility Keep a few of these things in mind.
1. Location Location Location. Good location is important! ask your self if there are good neighboring business or if the storage unit facility is located in a gloomy part of town.
2. Cost. with the internet now days it's easy to jump on line and compare cost. A lot of website will show the costs of the units, some websites will allow you to rent a storage unit online. which brings us to our next thing to look for.. convenience features.
3. Convenience Features. When your looking for a storage facility to rent from, try to make things easier on yourself. Look for things like if the storage facility offers online bill pay, or automatic recurring billing, Ability to rent a storage unit online, Login to be able to view your account history. Look at physical features like, fences? large driveways, lighting, etc.
Moving your stuff into a Unit:
When your ready to move your stuff into the storage unit keep these things in mind.
1. Properly label all your boxes
2. Make sure items are packed in your storage unit in a way to keep them safe.
3. Keep an isle way to the rear of the storage container if it's a larger unit.
4. Point labels on boxes to the isle or the door of the storage unit to make it easier to find specific items later.
5. Make lots of Friends before you move
6. Get a good solid lock on your storage unit.